Monday, November 5, 2018

How to Double Your Traffic Without Google

Google is king, when it comes to Search Ranking. Like everyone else including me, we panic when we notice that Google has not been kind to us by providing the kind of traffic we need.

Here's one Sad Truth

The very first time I started blogging back then in 2016, I had little to no traffic

No Matter What I Did, I Never Got Traffic From Google

I had to look for other "MEANS"


Lets assume you have your Article Ready, You click the Publish button...what next

Are you gonna sit tight and let Google do the Magic....."NO"

Sit tight!

While I show you ways you can generate traffic without waiting for Google to drive traffic


  • Be an Expert and Learn to Share
If you're a Content Writer (like me) then you are most likely familiar with the term guest blogging: When a writer develops content for a blog that is not their own.

It's an opportunity to take your expertise and share it with others, as well as an opportunity to increase traffic.

if you’re using guest blogging as a way to gain links in 2014, you should probably stop

  • Give Your Insights, and Talk to the Audience 
Blog commenting has long been seen as a spammy practice because many marketers use it for link building. Don’t forget, though, that the purpose of commenting isn’t to post your links anywhere you can; it’s supposed to add value to the topic, start or provide insights to the conversation, and expand your network.

Proper blog commenting goes well beyond the overused, “Great article, thanks!” comment that often has an ulterior motive. Instead, you should look for ways where your knowledge, insight, and expertise can add value to the conversation. Remember that you’re still talking to humans.

Make sure you read the article thoroughly, and that you understood it before dropping a comment. Much like guest blogging, making smart, informed comments on industry-related blogs presents you as a subject-matter expert. It also boosts your online exposure.

If ever you’re going to drop a link, make sure it directs to an article, and not the homepage of your site. Also, the article you link should be relevant to your comment and the article.

  • Go Out and Socialize
Google+, for instance, can help you get a lot of traffic. You don’t even need followers; its power lies in the G+ communities. Just like with forums, Google+ communities helps you find niche communities where you can join and grow your network. Engaging with other users, sharing useful information, and giving +1s to other people’s posts helps you become an active, trusted community member. Getting fellow members to click through your posts and visit your site will then become easier, as they already recognize you as an authority, or at least a trusted person. You can then also post links on related blog posts from time-to-time.

The same goes for your Facebook, Twitter and other social media profiles. Being active on these social media platforms by sharing useful, fun and related content regularly is a proven way to generate traffic to your site without having to rely on Google.

  • Help Solve Related Real-Life Problems
People often turn to the Internet when they need an answer for a question or a need that’s bothering them, and this could be anything and everything under the sun.
Forums like Yahoo! Answers,, Quora, and even Reddit contain thousands of real-world queries that need answering. If you can provide useful answers or solutions to someone else’s problem, you could gain a follower — and a customer, who will then tell their friends and followers about how helpful you’ve been.

  • Give Credit Where Credit is Due
Many informative, well-written articles feature a quote or two, or at least a reference, to a subject-matter expert. These quotes or descriptions make the audience go, “Wow! He really knows what he’s talking about!” — or something along that line. Before the piece was written, chances are, the author did a little digging about that particular expert, and now, that person has one more follower.

By giving credit to these influencers in your articles, you give them exposure and present them as  pros in a certain field. Chances are high that the influencer you mentioned will notice your post and share the content to their respective communities, which can translate to traffic to your site. Here, you bank on the core human characteristic of reciprocity, which often translates to positive results.

  • Go Back to the Basics
Metadata optimization is a basic setting of good SEO, and knowing how to optimize these rich snippets is a good practice to keep in mind. Meta tags give readers an idea of what a site or page is all about, sort of like a preview.

READ ALSO: SEO Made Easy - A Step by Step Guide

Be sure to optimize yours so that it fits Google’s recommended length of about 500 pixels. It’s hard to determine exactly how long 500 pixels is, so your best shot is to use an online snippet optimization tool.

  • Be Active and Stick Around
The longer you’re in the business of producing high-quality content, the better your chances of showing up in search results for all related keywords. While you rely a bit on Google here, the bulk of the traffic will come from your reputation as a regular producer of great quality articles.

In time, people will no longer need to Google you; they’ll just go directly to your site because they know that’s where the good stuff is. If a user finds a link to an article on your website on their Facebook timeline, for example, there’s a big chance they’ll click it because you’re known to produce informative articles regularly.

Keeping your content marketing strategy going for months (or even years) will definitely make a difference when it comes to driving traffic to your site.

Remember that there are legitimate ways to drive traffic to your site. All you have to do is know them and use them properly.

Did we miss anything? Feel free to share your ideas in the comments section!
